Introducing our new pig concentrate feed

A well balanced concentrate which contains all the vitamins

Introducing De Heus Pig Concentrates!

De Heus Ghana introduces two new pig concentrates namely Pig Grow finisher concentrate 30 % mash and Pig Sow concentrate 30% mash. These new concentrates offer a flexible usage at the farm level. All you need is your maize or corn, the concentrates and rice bran or wheat bran.

These concentrates are produced with the latest research updates, improved, and balanced nutritional requirement for each growth stage, adopted and suitable for the Ghanaian market. Try these concentrates for a guaranteed performance of your pigs. 

Making a difference in your farming journey

Transform your pig farming experience

De Heus Ghana has introduced two new pig concentrates named ‘pig grow-finisher concentrates 30%’ for grow out pigs and ‘pig sow concentrates 30%’ for the mothers.

The concentrates have been specifically designed to offer every vital nutrient needed by the pig to ensure optimal growth. addition of any soybean meal is not necessary. all you need is corn and your bran from rice or wheat.

Get in touch with a specialist

Go-Finisher 30% Concentrate mash (3710)

Deheus  Pig Grow –Finisher Concentrate 30% mash is well-balanced high protein content concentrate which contains all the essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It supports the good growth of your pigs by meeting the nutritional requirements. Together with good quality raw materials it ensures a faster weight gain of pigs.

  • Promotes high production levels.
  • A user-friendly approach where you can use one concentrate for all growth periods by adjusting the inclusion level.
  • It optimizes feed cost per kilo gram of growth.

Sow 30% Concentrate mash (3700)

Deheus  Pig Sow concentrate mash is a well-balanced concentrate which contains all the vitamins and minerals which are essential to obtain the best results from Sows. In combination with your raw materials, it optimizes sow production and enables them to produce healthy piglets. Your feed will have a balanced level of added amino acids, vitamins and minerals to meet the requirements of the Sows at each given stage. Our concentrates for sows are specially designed to fulfill the needs of the sows in the different stages.

  • Improve fertility and increase litter size on your pig farm.
  • Increases milk production of sows
  • Increases the weight of the litter and healthy piglets